Episode 2: Better Together.

A Cheese and Wine Tasting for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast

On October 8, over 30 guests gathered at Blue Heron Farm for an intimate Cheese and Wine Tasting. The sold-out tasting raised over $2,500 for The Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund Program at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, established to provide funding for patients impacted by the storm and unable to pay for their health care or co-pay costs.

Lindsey Schechter of Houston Dairymaids and Laurie Harvey of Cherry Pie Hospitality led a guided tasting of cheeses with accompaniments by Valerie Trasatti of Benevento Bakeshop and Karen Man. Paired beverages were donated by Artesa Winery (Napa Valley, California) and Flood Independent Distribution (Baird Brewery).

Photos by Cecilia Norman and Carla Gomez